The Best Personal Injury Lawyer in San Jose

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The 10 Best Personal Injury Lawyers In San Jose

We Have Listed The Top 10 Personal Injury Lawyer In San Jose To Help You Choose The Best Professional Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Needs.

Law Office of Diego F. MacWilliam

Personal injuries can happen on the road, at work or even at home, often with devastating consequences. When you are injured due to somebody else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your past and future medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, and emotional distress.

You need an experienced and aggressive attorney to fight for your rights, to go head-to-head with the insurance companies, and to win the fair and full compensation needed to pay for your recovery. For more than 20 years, Law Office of Diego F. MacWilliam in San Jose has successfully employed an assertive, methodical approach to help injured victims recover generous settlements and jury verdicts.

Our attorneys consult top experts — such as trauma doctors, chiropractors, pharmacists, forensics engineers, mechanics and accident reconstruction analysts — to maximize recovery for your injuries. At trial, these experts are available to deliver clear, compelling testimony that helps jurors understand the extent and cause of your injuries.

Consult an attorney immediately following your injury, when witnesses’ recollections are fresh and evidence remains available. Keep in mind that California law limits the amount of time in which you can file your claim for relief.

Law Office of Brendan Barrett

Effective criminal defense is no simple task. It is highly involved and requires dedication beyond that of any other practice area. It demands the most of its lawyers as they must be knowledgeable about investigative research, well-versed in a series of legal disciplines, and quick on their feet in court.

It requires that attorneys be calming, understanding and compassionate to their clients while simultaneously remaining aggressive and nimble in front of a system designed to generate convictions. An injury can effect your life in more ways that just financially. Beyond the pain and annoyance of the injury itself, these cases can have debilitating effects on employment, hobbies, long term goals, or life at home.

Insurance companies are generally the opposing party in these cases, and are trained to deny fault for the injury or minimize the effect that the damages. That’s their job—and that’s okay. But as an injured party you need to protect yourself and your family from being taken advantage of and make sure that you are being made whole by the party responsible for the injury.

Practice Areas:

    We can help with DUI, drugs, domestic violence, theft, fraud, embezzlement, and many more criminal cases.
    We can help with car crash, workers comp, assault and dangerous property accident personal injury cases.

Janoff Law

Many personal injury law firms focus on minor accidents that are easier to settle, such as fender benders, whiplash, and routine cuts and scratches. At Janoff Law, in San Jose, California, we handle cases with injuries that are serious and more complex.

We represent parties whose injuries changed their lives forever, and in many cases, ended them. These include such catastrophic injuries as severe burns, paralysis and quadriplegia, traumatic brain injury, birth injury, and injuries occurring on the surgical table. If you have questions regarding your serious injuries following an accident in California, do not hesitate to contact our law firm today.

At Janoff Law, we have these capabilities. For more than three decades, we have battled with insurance carriers, medical insurers, and health care systems to acquire just treatment for our seriously injured clients. In the mediation services part of our practice, we play the very different role of neutral facilitators in alternative dispute resolution methodologies—mediation and arbitration. We invite you to learn more about this low-cost, reduced-anxiety alternative to courtroom litigation.

Personal injury is one of the most ancient forms of law. It holds that a person harmed by another–the old word for harm was tort–can demand compensation for the harm. Over the years, personal injury law has become very complex. To be effective, the best attorneys must be familiar with oceans of case law, requiring constant updating.

Henshaw & Henry, PC

Henshaw & Henry, PC truly cares about each and every client that comes to us for help. We are very responsive to clients and other parties involved in cases, including opposing attorneys. When something bad happens, or someone is in need of legal counsel, prospective clients can contact us to schedule free consultations.

During a consultation, clients typically talk directly with our San Jose attorneys, not paralegals or legal assistants. Our attorneys know how the law works. They are the professionals that will counsel clients. Our goal is to provide answers and hope when both are lacking in our clients’ lives.

At Henshaw & Henry, PC, we have a history of not just settling cases, but also taking cases to trial when necessary. Our lawyers have represented clients in both California and federal courtrooms with great success. We are not afraid to aggressively litigate matters.

Our team handles the trial process from beginning to end. This includes trial preparation, motion filing, discovery, jury selection, and witness preparation. The entire time, legal communications stay between the client and attorney – not other staff members. You will always be our top priority.

Ginny Walia Law Offices

The attorneys at Ginny Walia Law Offices have handled hundreds of criminal and family court cases throughout the greater San Francisco Area and Central Valley. They are committed to protecting your rights, handling your family law matters, or working to reduce the consequences of your arrest.

Attorney Ginny Walia has successfully handled all types of criminal cases including high profile narcotics cases, gang cases, violent crime, domestic violence, DUI, DMV hearings, rape, child abuse, California’s three-strike law, and white-collar crimes.

Ginny Walia Law Offices has won numerous motions, dismissals, and acquittals for clients in all types of cases ranging from simple misdemeanors to serious and violent felonies. We have had a remarkable rate of success whether it involves negotiations with prosecutors to reach a resolution or fighting a case through jury trial.

With our recognized leadership in applying legal service and technology innovation, we deliver commercial advantage to clients. Our lawyers offer clients a range of integrated global capabilities, including some of the world’s most active M&A, real estate, financial services, litigation and corporate risk practices.

Deldar Legal

The team at Deldar Legal routinely fights for the rights of accident victims throughout the state of California. We are well versed in personal injury and comparative negligence laws and vigorously pursue each claim. Our trustworthy attorneys will provide you with a powerful combination of aggressive representation and astute negotiating skills.

Because each case is unique, we will work tirelessly to understand the circumstances of the accident that led to your injuries. By conducting a thorough investigation, we will show how the other party was negligent, which is essential for having a successful claim. In addition, we will offer you compassion and guide you through the entire legal process.

We are committed to assisting those who, having suffered a severe personal injury or the death of a loved one, are vulnerable financially as well as physically and emotionally. We always offer new clients a free consultation during which we advise them of how best to proceed.

Deldar Legal are knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate personal injury attorneys. They have a strong record of success in catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases, even against large corporations and insurance companies. We work on contingency, meaning we only collect a fee from you if we win your case. Moreover, our rates are lower than the usual standard, so you get to keep a higher percentage of your award.

Costanzo Law Firm, APC

At the Costanzo Law Firm, our attorneys are dedicated to protecting the legal rights of Californians. Our lawyers take a careful and thoughtful approach in our representation of our clients. We are ready to take cases to trial, but we also look for creative solutions to resolve disputes in ways that are in the best interests of the people we represent.

The San Jose employment lawyers at the Costanzo Law Firm understand that when our clients come to us, they are handling emotionally complicated circumstances. We treat our clients with compassion and ensure that we meet their individual legal needs by developing individualized strategies for each case. Employees in California are protected by state and federal laws that prevent various forms of mistreatment at the hands of their employers.

One way in which employers violate the rights of employees in California is through discrimination. The law aims to prevent various forms of discrimination. For instance, employers who discriminate against an individual for their age, race, sex, gender, or disability will be in violation of the law. In many cases, workers will face difficult circumstances because of a bias on the part of their employer.

In the case of disability, employers are required to provide certain accommodations as long as doing so does not create an undue burden on the business. Despite such requirements, many employers will refuse to hire or will fire or otherwise negatively impact an employee’s position based on a disability. Employers must take reasonable steps to accommodate disabled employees.

Bohn & Fletcher Attorneys at Law

The attorneys at Bohn & Fletcher, LLP have dedicated over 40 years to representing people injured or damaged because of the fault of others. Being a plaintiff in a personal injury case without quality representation can be stressful and confusing. This is especially true if you are still recovering from physical injuries and accumulating medical expenses and lost wages.

Our experienced attorneys provide you with legal advice and representation tailored to your specific personal injury. We can even help you find the right medical treatment when needed. We represent those who have been wrongfully injured as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing. Our firm never represents parties accused of harming others.

We handle all types of injury cases, including car accidents, defective products, unsafe premises, elder abuse, railroad accidents, construction site accidents and unfair or bad faith treatment by insurance companies. The attorneys at Bohn & Fletcher, LLP believe in securing maximum recovery for our clients while giving them the respect and personalized attention they deserve. The dedicated professionalism of our staff frees up the attorneys to prepare and present your case in a highly skilled and expert manner.

Alexander Law Group, LLP

Alexander Law Group, LLP is a nationally recognized, award-winning personal injury law firm with decades of experience fighting for our clients’ interests. We are trial attorneys with the most outstanding winning record in 24 states. We make insurance companies and corporations pay. We understand what a lifetime injury with loss of earnings and enjoyment of life means for you. Unlike most law firms, you are not just another case with us.

Car crash. Tractor-trailer collision. Defective air bags. Faulty medical equipment. People don’t expect these “accidents” to happen to them, but every day people like you in California and elsewhere find themselves in the middle of a serious injury and battling with an insurance company or corporation that won’t pay.

We fight for you to be fully paid. To insurance companies and corporations you are a number on a list. They don’t want to pay you at all or pay you as little as possible. We have decades of experience fighting big businesses. We don’t just come to fight. We come to win.

We’ve gone to bat for people numerous times and won millions. We have the record to prove it. We know what we’re doing. We deal with these companies every day. Insurance companies will not pay unless you make them. The insurance adjusters are trained to take recorded statements that damage your claim. They push people to downplay their injuries and close claims early so the company can save money.

Abronson Law Offices

Injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time, but most of us wouldn’t know where to turn if they were to happen to us. Some accidents are unavoidable, but many others are the result of someone else’s mistake or negligence.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your injury was your fault, or that you don’t deserve compensation, because you likely do. A virtual consultation with a personal injury attorney can help you sort through the intricacies of any situation you might find yourself in.

If you’ve been injured in a serious accident, you’re very likely in pain, possibly unable to work, and you probably have medical bills piling up. You might have questions about what you should do next and may wonder how all those bills are going to be paid.

Whether it was a car accident caused by another driver, a trip and fall accident that occurred because someone neglected to maintain their premises, or a mistake your doctor made, you deserve to be compensated for what you have lost. Medical expenses, pain and suffering, and the wages you’re losing from being unable to work are just a few of the damages you can discuss in a remote consultation with a personal injury attorney.